AHBS III: Achieving UHC for Africa: Stronger Together

8th – 9th October 2018, Johannesburg, South Africa
With over 350 delegates from 52 countries and 31 from African countries represented, AHBS III was 2 days of energetic dialogues. This symposium demonstrated the will of stakeholders to collaborate and commit to a healthier Africa. The outcomes shared with several Ministries of Health will provide the much needed innovative approaches towards UHC for Africa.

The Symposium in Numbers

Delegates AHBS IV
Countries-AHBS IV

Achieving UHC for Africa: Stronger Together

Aaron Motsoaledi
Dr. Aaron Motsoaledi, former Minister of Health, South Africa, who officially opened the symposium reminded delegates that UHC should leave no one behind and that there should be a focus on quality healthcare. The welcome address from Dr. Amit N. Thakker, Chair of Africa Health Business, provided the synopsis of the 14 year journey travelled so far in creating a solid singular private healthcare entity for Africa to engage the Governments on a regular basis to create a win-win enterprise environment.

Celebrating Our Progress: Leaving No One Behind

We must begin to think Africa. We must look at the definition of UHC, bring it down to our country level, then we raise it up to the African level before we take it up to the WHO level. If we begin to think like that, we won’t have to wait until 2063 when we’re 90 years old to begin to see change in in Africa. We will see it earlier for Africans, along with those partners who want to help Africa and are in the interest of Africa. We all join together. We can all achieve universal health coverage in Africa, stronger together, leaving no one behind.
A solution to reaching UHC is to create an ecosystem that combines primary care, infrastructure, data science platforms and people management blend it via PPPs and a business model that is Build Operate Transfer (BOT) then you may have one of the solutions