Introduction to Discussion

The Coalition of Blood for Africa (CoBA), a multistakeholder platform comprised of public and private sector, research, academia, not-for-profits, civil society, and others, is committed to strengthening blood and blood systems in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). CoBA aims to crowd-in resources and investment for research, advocacy, and action to drive the agenda for adequate, safe, and sustainable blood in SSA.
Since its launch in November 2020, CoBA has engaged in the development of working groups and the development of pilot projects aimed at advancing its goals. As part of its agenda to strengthen blood systems in SSA, CoBA together with its partners conducted a webinar event on the 28th of July 2021 on the role of youth in ensuring sustainable blood supply for Africa. The webinar brought partners together and created networks of cooperation and collaboration between its partners and other like-minded stakeholders.