Symposium 2024

2nd Africa Women's Health Symposium

Following the success of the 1st Africa Women’s Health Symposium that took place in February 2022 in Kenya, Africa Health Business (AHB) are proud to announce the curation of the 2nd Africa Women’s Health Symposium with a focus on A New Dawn of Partnerships for Women’s Health.

Join us as we Advocate to elevate women’s health in health system decision making, Act through partnership to eliminate barriers to healthcare access for women and Advance existing innovations and initiatives to better women’s health on the continent.

Programme (Time Zone : GMT)

8:30 am

Opening Ceremony: Harmonizing action for women’s health in Africa

10:00 am

Health Break

10:30 am

Diagnostics as an enabler for advancing women’s health – from prevention, to detection, to management

12:00 pm

Networking Lunch

2:00 pm

Innovative approaches to increase access to medicines and vaccines for women’s health

3:30 pm

Sexual and reproductive health and family planning at the centre of global health, development, and gender equality

5:00 pm

Closing Ceremony

5:30 pm


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