Unifying the Private Health Sector in Liberia

The private health sector plays a key role in the provision of essential health products and services. In addition, the private health sector plays an important role in supporting governments with achieving public health goals and reach.

Liberia has multiple active players in the private health sector who experience similar challenges in relation to the enabling environment of doing business in the country’s healthcare sector. Government rules, regulations, policies, and strategies impact their businesses, albeit positively and/ or negatively. With many players facing similar challenges and not having a unified voice to represent and link them to the Liberian Government via the Ministry of Health, there was a need to create a platform to enable these players to come together and their voices be heard.

Under Palladium, supported by USAIDs Health Policy Plus Project and the NPI Expand Project, AHB was contracted to advance private health sector engagement in Liberia by supporting the incubation and institutionalization of the Healthcare Federation of Liberia (HFL). AHB also supported in facilitating the operationalization of the newly elected board and developing HFLs strategic and resource mobilization plans.

HFL is a now a fully fletched non-state private health sector membership-based organization that advocates for an enabling environment for the private health sector in Liberia. In addition, the Federation promotes public private dialogue (PPD), private- private networking and creates opportunities for its members to improve both quality as well as business growth.

About our Partner

USAID is the world’s premier international development agency and a catalytic actor driving development results. USAID’s work advances U.S. national security and economic prosperity, demonstrates American generosity, and promotes a path to recipient self-reliance and resilience.

Palladium is an organization that works with governments, businesses, and investors to solve the world’s most pressing challenges, with nearly 60 years of experience creating strategies, building partnerships, mobilizing capital, and implementing programs that transform societies, economies, and lives.

Healthcare Federation of Liberia